Dr. R. G. Kumawat

(MA. B. Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D.)
+91 08087753364|kumawatchandar@gmail.com

Dr. Swati Venkatrao Patil

(MA. B. Ed. Ph.D.)
+91 8698608164 | swatipawar19744@gmail.com
Books: Dr Swati Patil

1. Head Of the Department:

Head of the department science 2007 to continues. Play the role as manage all the activities of the department like teaching learning activities, internal evaluation, students’ participation in teaching learning process, extracurricular, cocurricular activities etc.

2. N.S.S. Program officer:

Assistance Program officer since 2000 to 2003 and subsequently officially appointed as N.S.S. program officer since 2003 to 2009.

3. Distance Education:

Distance Education coordinator since 2020-21 to till date. Distance education program conducted by the SRTMU, to maintain all administrative and teaching activities like admission, result, teaching Nanded. As coordinator

1.  Social Legislation & Human Rights   
R. P. Publication, New Delhi
Year: 2012-13
2.  Environmental & Farm
Ajanta Prakashan
Year: 2021
ISBN: 978-93-83587-69-8